Who doesn't love a happy hour! However, happy hour while on a mission, not the most ideal. Happy hour is not the place to network, especially if you going in solo. If your job wants you to go to a happy hour there must be someone there that you have to meet, so why not meet for lunch. It'll be just the two of you, and no possibility of getting sidetracked in small talk when others join in the conversation. However, sometimes drinks and work can't be avoided.
Your Goal for Networking Happy Hour
The answer is not cheap drinks. You want to meet one or two people that could actually help you and leave with the promise to follow up. Avoid walking around a bar without a drink, awkward! Solution: a simple glass of wine or seltzer with lime will put something in your hand. Now smile, you've got something to drink and a mission.
When you get home have a drink to celebrate making it through a work happy hour!
Following up
It's the next day and you've got business cards. A quick email including a goal for your next time to get together. Then stay in touch until the face-to-face.